The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults– OCIA - is primarily a journey of faith. It is a restoration of the ancient practice of initiation in the Church. It is focused on conversion, whereby the candidates (individuals interested in becoming Roman Catholic) enter into an extended period of intellectual formation and life conversion through prayer, study and reflection upon the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. It is a communal journey in which our local church community welcomes the new members into the parish community. OCIA is not a program or classes, but a sacramental process in which candidates are fully initiated into One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith.
OCIA is for:
1) Unbaptized people
2) Baptized, non-practicing people
3) Baptized people who have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist or Confirmation
4) People wanting to know more about the Catholic Faith
If you would like more information, please call the rectory office (625-6409) during business hours (Mon-Thurs. 8AM-2PM).