“If things created are so full of loveliness, how resplendent with beauty must be the One who made them!” ~ St. Anthony of Padua 172 Belmont St, Manchester NH 03103
Evangelization has a rich heritage in the Catholic Church, a heritage that extends back 2,000 years to the very foundation of the Church.
Evangelization is a word which many do not associate with the Catholic Church. It can be defined as a gentle, caring approach to sharing our faith through kind works, education, forgiveness, personal witness and positive action. Effective evangelization is more like a steady drip than a big splash. It is most effectively accomplished through everyday evangelization.
Everyday Evangelizing in All Situations: Wear a cross or other symbol of your faith. Share a story describing how God works in your life. Ask people to pray for your intentions. Start a discussion with "I believe" or "Jesus says". Introduce searchers to Christ. Invite to church those who are not part of a faith community. Make the Sign of the Cross when dining out. Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Try not to judge others. Share a smile and a personal greeting with a stranger. Respond with "Thank You, God!" when someone shares good news.
Everyday Evangelizing Through Social Justice: Identify your own prejudices. Watch the news with the eyes of Christ. Learn the facts on all sides of the issue. Publicly express your opinion. Act on your convictions. Vote intelligently. Volunteer in your community and church. Help those less fortunate by sharing your time and talents.
Everyday Evangelizing in the Workplace: Transact all business dealings honestly. Respect others' religious beliefs. Pray before making decisions. Verbalize Christ in your life. Offer to pray for a co-worker who has shared personal concerns.
Everyday evangelizing in the Home: Devote time to your daily prayer life. Share a Bible story with your children before bedtime. Discuss the readings with your family after Mass. Pray Grace before meals. Proudly display symbols of your faith. Celebrate your feast days. Establish family rituals based on the Church year. Discuss the morality of a TV show. Begin and end the day with prayer.
Everyday Evangelizing in the Parish: Introduce yourself to those around you. Get involved, if only on a small scale. Periodically change pews to meet others. Be gracious in the parking lot. Explain rituals to those unfamiliar with the Catholic faith. Send a card to the newly baptized or confirmed. Invite someone to coffee after Mass. Warmly greet those you do not know. Take time to get to know other members of your parish community.